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OCR Gateway GCSE (9-1) Chemistry A - Specification J248

Purchased before? Then you can upgrade from any previous specification for OCR GCSE Chemistry to any of the latest GCSE 9-1 or iGCSE specifications from as litttle as £200+VAT for the complete product. To obtain your personal upgrade quote please email sserltd@aol.com.
OCR Gateway Chemistry Presentations (14-16)
· Utilizes the proven benefits of the staged display of information.

· Interactively enhances the OCR Gateway Chemistry A GCSE (9-1) topics.

· Suitable for standalone PCs, networks, interactive whiteboards and digital projectors.

· 62 PowerPoint Presentations averaging 30 slides each!
The presentations support in detail the latest OCR A Specification (Gateway J248). To run the presentations you need PowerPoint 2000 or later - you can also edit and personalise the original presentations within PowerPoint. A comprehensive site licence is included as standard and enables the presentations to be used on multiple standalone PCs or on an intranet. Please email for details of the VLE licence which allows access from offsite.

OCR Gateway Chemistry GCSE 9-1 Presentations - Value Bundle (CHE16CST)

OCR Gateway Chemistry GCSE 9-1 Presentations - Value Bundle (CHE16CST)

In stock

Purchase all 62 Presentations in Sets 1-6 for a low inclusive price of only £310 (just £5 per presentation).

This saves over 20% on the price of all eight separate bundles!

This low price includes a free site licence!

Price: £310.00

Chemistry Presentations Set 1 (CHE1CST)

Chemistry Presentations Set 1 (CHE1CST)

In stock

This low price includes a free site licence!

Set 1 - Particles, Atoms, Elements, Compounds and Mixtures
(13 Presentations)

C1.0 Laboratory Safety - Hazard Symbols.pptx
C1.0 Measuring in Chemistry.pptx
C1.1a Elements - Examples.pptx
C1.1a Elements - Introduction.pptx
C1.1a Temperature Gas Pressure Diffusion Brownian Motion.pptx
C1.1a The Particle Model (Kinetic Theory).pptx
C1.2 The Atom - Basic Structure.pptx
C1.2 The Atom - Electronic Structure.pptx
C1.2 The Atom - Isotopes & Radioactivity.pptx
C2.1d Compounds From Elements.pptx
C2.1d Quantitative Chemistry - Empirical Formulae.pptx
C2.1f Separating Mixtures.pptx
C2.1g Analysing Substances - Chromatography & Spectrometry.pptx

The following is an html preview of one PowerPoint presentation from this set of presentations (you receive original pptx files). You can click on thumbnails (under OUTLINE) to scroll through the presentation and use the PREV/NEXT controls to move between slides. The sample is set to progress through the presentation automatically - use the pause control to allow you to study and run the animations and interactions - otherwise the presentation will move to the next slide in just a couple of seconds.

Price: £84.00

Chemistry Presentations Set 2 (CHE2CST)

Chemistry Presentations Set 2 (CHE2CST)

In stock

This low price includes a free site licence!

Set 2 - Chemical Reactions (15 Presentations)

C2.2 Structure & Properties - Covalent Molecules & Macromolecules.pptx
C2.2 Structure & Properties - Ionic Structures.pptx
C2.2 Chemical Bonding - Covalent.pptx
C2.2 Chemical Bonding - Ionic.pptx
C2.2 Oxygen & Oxides.pptx
C2.2b The Periodic Table.pptx
C2.3i Nanochemistry.pptx

C3.1 Balancing Equations & Ionic Equations.pptx
C3.1g Mass and the Mole.pptx
C3.2 Energy from Reactions (Energetics).pptx
C3.3 Acids and Bases.pptx
C3.3 Redox Reactions.pptx
C3.3 Salts.pptx
C3.4 Electrolysis - 1.pptx
C3.4 Electrolysis - 2.pptx

The following is an html preview of one PowerPoint presentation from this set of presentations (you receive original pptx files). You can click on thumbnails (under OUTLINE) to scroll through the presentation and use the PREV/NEXT controls to move between slides. The sample is set to progress through the presentation automatically - use the pause control to allow you to study and run the animations and interactions - otherwise the presentation will move to the next slide in just a couple of seconds.

Price: £98.00

Chemistry Presentations Set 3 (CHE3CST)

Chemistry Presentations Set 3 (CHE3CST)

In stock

This low price includes a free site licence!

Set 3 - Predicting and Identifying Reactions and Products
(7 Presentations)

C4.1 The Alkali Metals.pptx
C4.1 The Halogens.pptx
C4.1 The Noble Gases.pptx
C4.1 The Periodic Table & Periodicity.pptx
C4.1c The Transition Metals.pptx
C4.1f The Reactivity Series.pptx
C4.2 Analysing Substances 2 - Ions & Gases.pptx

The following is an html preview of one PowerPoint presentation from this set of presentations (you receive original pptx files). You can click on thumbnails (under OUTLINE) to scroll through the presentation and use the PREV/NEXT controls to move between slides. The sample is set to progress through the presentation automatically - use the pause control to allow you to study and run the animations and interactions - otherwise the presentation will move to the next slide in just a couple of seconds.

To view the Presentation in full screen mode just click the 'View Full Screen' button (this option is best for mobile devices)...

Price: £42.00

Chemistry Presentations Set 4 (CHE4CST)

Chemistry Presentations Set 4 (CHE4CST)

In stock

This low price includes a free site licence!

Set 4 - Monitoring/Controlling Chemical Reactions & Equilibria
(6 Presentations)

C5.1 Gas Volumes.pptx
C5.1 Quantitative Chemistry - Atom Economy % Yield.pptx
C5.1b Neutralisation & Titrations.pptx
C5.2d Rates of Reaction.pptx
C5.2g Catalysis.pptx
C5.3 Reversible Reactions & Equilibria.pptx

The following is an html preview of one PowerPoint presentation from this set of presentations (you receive original pptx files). You can click on thumbnails (under OUTLINE) to scroll through the presentation and use the PREV/NEXT controls to move between slides. The sample is set to progress through the presentation automatically - use the pause control to allow you to study and run the animations and interactions - otherwise the presentation will move to the next slide in just a couple of seconds.

Price: £35.00

Chemistry Presentations Set 5 (CHE5CST)

Chemistry Presentations Set 5 (CHE5CST)

In stock

This low price includes a free site licence!

Set 5 - Global Challenges - Improving Processes and Products
(9 Presentations)

C6.1 Ceramics, Polymers & Composites.pptx
C6.1 Metals - Alloys.pptx
C6.1 Metals - Structure, Properties & Uses.pptx
C6.1a Metals - Extraction.pptx
C6.1d Ammonia - Uses & Fertilisers.pptx
C6.1d Haber Process - Making Ammonia.pptx
C6.1d Sulfur Sulfuric Acid & The Contact Process.pptx
C6.1m Cars - Life-cycle assessment.pptx
C6.1p Corrosion.pptx

The following is an html preview of one PowerPoint presentation from this set of presentations (you receive original pptx files). You can click on thumbnails (under OUTLINE) to scroll through the presentation and use the PREV/NEXT controls to move between slides. The sample is set to progress through the presentation automatically - use the pause control to allow you to study and run the animations and interactions - otherwise the presentation will move to the next slide in just a couple of seconds.

Price: £56.00

Chemistry Presentations Set 6 (CHE6CST)

Chemistry Presentations Set 6 (CHE6CST)

In stock

This low price includes a free site licence!

Set 6 - Organic Chemistry & Global Challenges
(12 Presentations)

C6.2 Alcohols.pptx
C6.2 Carboxylic Acids.pptx
C6.2 Crude Oil - Origin Separation & Cracking.pptx
C6.2 Esters Polyesters & Polyamides.pptx
C6.2 Synthetic Polymers.pptx
C6.2a Hydrocarbon Structure .pptx
C6.2hi Naturally Occurring Polymers.pptx
C6.2n Hydrocarbon Fuels - An Introduction.pptx
C6.2q Hydrogen as a Fuel (Fuel Cells).pptx
C6.3a Atmosphere - Origin & Structure.pptx
C6.3c Atmosphere - Effects of Burning Hydrocarbon Fuels.pptx
C6.3g Purifying & Testing Water.pptx

The following is an html preview of one PowerPoint presentation from this set of presentations (you receive original pptx files). You can click on thumbnails (under OUTLINE) to scroll through the presentation and use the PREV/NEXT controls to move between slides. The sample is set to progress through the presentation automatically - use the pause control to allow you to study and run the animations and interactions - otherwise the presentation will move to the next slide in just a couple of seconds.

Price: £77.00

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