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PE - Health & Safety

PE Risk Assessment and Health & Safety Policies

This outstanding collection of Risk Assessments (Pack A) and related Safety Policies (Pack B) provides you with all you need to manage Health & Safety in your PE department.



Risk Assessment & Safety Management - Pack A (PEACD)

Risk Assessment & Safety Management - Pack A (PEACD)

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Pack 'A' provides 30 critical Risk Assessment Records covering a wide variety of activities and sites plus the original Risk Assessment template - all easy to edit in MS Word. Making and recording risk assessments and policy documentation is a demanding process - we can save you that time!
The Risk Assessments cover the following activities: Invasion Games (Rugby, Football, Hockey, Netball, Basketball), Striking Activities (Cricket, Rounders, Softball, Baseball), Gymnastics (Including Trampolining and Trampettes), Athletics (Fields, Pits, Playground, Indoors), Swimming (school and local pool), etc.

Price: £60.00 (Including VAT at 20%)

Risk Assessment & Safety Management - Pack B (PEBCD)

Risk Assessment & Safety Management - Pack B (PEBCD)

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6 outstanding Health & Safety policies (34 pages) - available on CD ROM or as Printed Photocopiable Masters.

Developing safety policies is now so easy!

Use our ideas in your own development plans.
Improve upon your own existing safety policies.
Cut and paste policies to match your requirements.
Encourage pupils and staff to be aware of safety issues.

Price: £36.00 (Including VAT at 20%)

Risk Assessment & Health & Safety Policies For P.E. - Super Bundle (PEAB)

Risk Assessment & Health & Safety Policies For P.E. - Super Bundle (PEAB)

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This super bundle includes both Pack A & Pack B on CD ROM plus free printed masters of both packs!

Price: £90.00 (Including VAT at 20%)

To download an advert showing samples of the product just right click over the 'PDF' icon and select 'Save Target As'. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print the advert. A printout gives a better representation of the samples than viewing on screen.

N.B. To download Acrobat Reader select 'Support' from the Homepage Menu.

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