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Presentations - WJEC Theory (AS Biology) Set 6 (B6CDW)

Presentations - WJEC Theory (AS Biology) Set 6 (B6CDW)

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Set 6 - Modes of Nutrition

2.4.1 Autotrophs & Heterotrophs
2.4.2 Holozoic Nutrition
2.4.3 Digestion 1 - Digestive System
2.4.4 Digestion 2 - Digestion of Carbs, Proteins, Lipids
2.4.5 Digestion 3 - Absorption of digestive products
2.4.6 Ruminant Digestion
2.4.7 Parasites & Parasitism

Investigating Variation Workbook Questions.doc (11 pages)
Investigating Variation Workbook Answers.doc (9 pages)
Meiosis Workbook Answers.doc (9 pages)
Meiosis Workbook Questions.doc (9 pages)
Species Diversity Index.xls
Species Diversity Index Help.doc
Amino acid sequences teacher sheet.pdf
Amino acid sequences1.pdf

Price: £75.60 (Including VAT at 20%)

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