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Presentations - Edexcel (B) Theory (AS Biology) Set 1 (B1CDX)

Presentations - Edexcel (B) Theory (AS Biology) Set 1 (B1CDX)

In stock

Set 1 - Biological Molecules

1.0 Monomers & Polymers
1.1 The Nature of Carbohydrates
1.2 The Nature of Lipids
1.3 The Nature of Proteins
1.4 The Nature of DNA & RNA
1.4.2 The Replication of DNA
1.4 Genetic Code, Introns & Exons
1.4.6 DNA & Protein Synthesis - Transcription & Translation
1.4.8 Gene Mutations
1.5 The Nature of Enzymes
1.6 Inorganic Ions
1.7 Water

Price: £129.60 (Including VAT at 20%)

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