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Grammar Programme

Grammar Programme
· Directly targets & quickly improves grammar

· Feedback on targets encourages the learner

· Promotes assessment to support learning

· Partners our spelling & punctuation programmes

· Pack B - 20 interactive 'SCORM' compliant quizzes
The 'Grammar Programme' supports rapid progress in the acquisition of grammatical and general language skills through a series of targets and regularly prompts the learner to revisit and review prior work. The Programme facilitates a student's understanding of the importance of good grammar and increases their self confidence. It is ideal for one-to-one tuition, group work, peer mentoring or whole class teaching. There are eleven main targets (60 pages), and the Programme uses a points system to quantify the level of success and offers a certificate for those who complete the units. The 'Grammar Programme' is particularly suitable for projection onto an IWB for class/group work and also acts as an editable duplication master. Use MS Word to customise the resource and produce new worksheets.

Pack B consists of 20 interactive exercises/quizzes which support the first ten targets in the core product.

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