· Utilizes the proven benefits of the staged display of information.
· Enhances any 14+ exam course in Religious Studies (Christianity).
· Suitable for a single computer, network or digital projector.
· 30 presentations - provided in 3 sets - all fully editable in Microsoft PowerPoint!
· Works on all operating systems where MS PowerPoint has been installed, e.g. Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android (the presentations are flash-free).
Students' interest and learning is enhanced when you use our outstanding sets of PowerPoint presentations for students of Religious Studies GCSE or Scottish Standard Grade. Provided in 3 sets, this superb collection of 30 presentations enables you to employ interactive whiteboards and other general ICT skills, in a variety of ways, to enhance teaching and learning. Templates for student notes are provided for all presentations - these can be easily printed in full colour or b/w. 'Core Theory' presentations contain Cloze word exercises to test knowledge and understanding of relevant terminology. Supporting 'Quiz' presentations allow students to test themselves in an engaging manner supported by the use of powerful imagery. Users of PowerPoint can fully edit the original presentations and thereby produce personalized presentations or notes for students. A full site licence comes as standard and low cost VLE licences are available which extends the licence terms to allow students and staff to access the resource externally through the school's Virtual Learning Environment (password protected access only), e.g. the VLE costs only £100 + VAT (one off payment) for all three sets of presentations.