The following sample allows you to review (in Html 5 format) one PowerPoint presentation from Set 1 of the presentations. The commercial version consists of fully functional ppt files with highly interactive content (often flash). You can click on thumbnails (or the timeline) to scroll through the presentation. The sample is set to progress through the presentation automatically - use the pause control to allow you to try any interactive activitiy or to run the full length of an animation - otherwise the presentation will move to the next slide in just a few of seconds.
To view the Presentation in full screen mode just click the 'View Full Screen' button (this option is best for mobile devices)...
To download an advert showing samples of the Core Theory Presentations and associated worksheets just right click over the 'PDF' icon and select 'Save Target As'. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print the advert. A printout gives a better representation of the samples than viewing on screen.
N.B. To download Acrobat Reader select 'Support' from the Homepage Menu.