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Set 3 - Diet & Exercise

PSHE Presentations Set 3 (PP3ST)

PSHE Presentations Set 3 (PP3ST)

In stock

This low price includes a free site licence!


3.1 Exercise Health & Fitness.pptx
3.2 Balanced Diet.pptx
3.3 Unbalanced Diets (Excess).pptx
3.4 Unbalanced Diets (Deficiency).pptx

The following is an html preview of one PowerPoint presentation from this set of presentations (you receive original pptx files). You can click on thumbnails (under OUTLINE) to scroll through the presentation and use the PREV/NEXT controls to move between slides. The sample is set to progress through the presentation automatically - use the pause control to allow you to study and run the animations and interactions - otherwise the presentation will move to the next slide in just a couple of seconds.

Price: £40.00

Value Bundle! PSHE Presentations Sets 1-9 (PP19ST)

Value Bundle! PSHE Presentations Sets 1-9 (PP19ST)

In stock

Save 10%. All 44 Presentations from Sets 1-9 at a 'super bundle' price! Full site licence included.

Price: £400.00

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