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Biology Graphics 11-16

Biology Graphics 11-16 Sample Images
· Over 10,700 quality diagrams & photos.
· Suitable for pupils aged 11-16.
· All images selected or drawn for education.
· Low cost site licence available.

Enhance the quality of your own resources and your pupils' work with our 'text book' quality graphics for both biology teachers and their pupils aged 11-16. This outstanding collection of biological graphics enables you to produce a variety of resources such as presentations, worksheets, OHTs, posters, safety signs, exam papers, etc. in either full colour or black & white! The graphics are catalogued within appropriate sections and now feature x rays, body scans and truly outstanding photo-micrographs from both plants and animals. A low cost site licence is also available allowing access by an unlimited number of users. Graphic file formats are industry standard, e.g. Windows metafiles (wmf) and jpeg.

Biology Graphics 11-16 (BDVD)

Biology Graphics 11-16 (BDVD)

N.B. This product has an integral Graphic Viewer.

Price: £48.00 (Including VAT at 20%)

Site licence for Biology Graphics 11-16 - £40 + VAT extra.

Science Graphics - Super Bundle (SCIB)

Science Graphics - Super Bundle (SCIB)

In stock

All images in Sets 1, 2 & 3 (Biology 11-16, Chemistry 11-16 & Physics 11-16) at a super low price! Includes free graphic viewer. Single user licence.

Price: £132.00 (Including VAT at 20%)


To download an advert showing samples of the product just right click over the 'PDF' icon and select 'Save Target As'. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print the advert. A printout gives a better representation of the samples than viewing on screen.

N.B. To download Acrobat Reader select 'Support' from the Homepage Menu.

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